3 reasons hiring a business coach is the key to my success

Marte Siebenhar
6 min readJul 1, 2022
Photo by Ekaterina Juskowski

When I was a brand new executive, I was super excited, I had tons of ideas, and I felt jazzed to dive right into the pool–to lead, leverage my experience and my strategic mind at the helm of a great organization. I went in, full-force.

Immediately, I immersed myself in listening, assessing, learning, and experimenting. What was required for success? What did we have, and what were we missing? My team and I examined and made choices about what we were offering, how we were going to make and spend money, cultivate donors, manage the team and the board, rebuild trust and create community, foster partnerships, attract resources, and run a cultural facility.

There were so many challenges, so many opportunities, and so many ideas contributed by so many generous people about how we could do all of these things. It was overwhelming and beautiful, with constantly changing and moving parts, (good and bad) surprises, and 100%-all-the-time learning. I loved it.

But after a few months, I hit a wall. I realized that I needed help sorting through and prioritizing the what, who, how, and when. I was afraid of asking for help, especially as a new executive, because I worried it would make me look weak or ineffective, or come across as less-than-confident.

